

Create Value through Resources & Links

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear – Buddhist Proverb

We all begin somewhere on our journey within. If memory serves me correctly, the very first book I was introduced to, was Journey Home: A Kryon Parable by Lee Carrol. I know I have read that one many times. That lead to the Celestine Prophecy, Conversations with God, and more. Where would you like to begin? As with any offering, embrace what resonates with you, leave the rest for someone else. I have divided the sections below into Books, Daily Inspiration links and Music. This is by no means a complete listing. I have simply attempted to provide you with a few visuals and a place to begin. As a teacher, I have listed the top 3 books I recommend everyone have in their collection. Read on… Create Value for YOU!

Daily Inspirations and more:

Would you enjoy receiving motivating messages?  Below are a few favorites.

The Daily Motivator  ~ provides great daily inspirations

Daily Law of Attraction quotations to assist in attracting all you desire to YOU.

I AM Mantra ~ amazing daily mantras that allow you to Be Love. Choose Love. Express Love.

SOUL Food Deck One cards by NADINE, N.D. Need INSPIRATION? MOTIVATION?? or a Helping Hand to EMPOWER Yourself? These cards are for YOU!!!  SOUL Food is a beautiful deck of 66 cards providing Soulful Nourishment for the Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit.


A Great Place to Begin

The Journey Home

Journey Home: A Kryon Parable by Lee Carroll

LOVE Without End

Love Without End: Jesus Speaks by Glenda Green

Ask and It Is GIVEN

Ask and it is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires 
by Abraham – Hicks

Power of Emotions

The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide
by Abraham – Hicks

Getting into the VORTEX

Getting Into The Vortex : Guided Meditations CD by Ester and Jerry Hicks

Power of Deliberate Intent

The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing by Ester and Jerry Hicks

Continue on with…
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Conversations With God by Neal Donald Walsch
Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives by Dan Millman


I LOVE music.  So listing things here is very difficult.  Steven Halpern opened the world of musical relaxation and meditation for me. I learned very quickly that is was not wise to attempt to listen and drive. (laughing here). Here are a few images of his work

If you like music you can sing along with, you might find Joy in listening to the work of Michael James Wachner I am actually listening to “Have a Little Faith” as I am writing this piece. I have not figured out how to add the image of Shine On.

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