Inclusive Healing Services Available
to all who desire shift
Human Holistic Healing Services Tailored to Your Needs
The possibilities you can cover in a Holistic HEALING session with Dr Nadine are endless. Your time is all about YOU. Your session begins with your question or situation and expands from there. Experience has shown that your Soul actually leads the way. One goal will be to release much of ‘what you are not‘ thus Allowing you to step forward and claim your Greatness. The more you Own yourself, the more you Allow your Inner SMILE to expand which then allows you to step into YOUR MAGNIFICENCE!!! ~Dr. Nadine
ALL sessions offered remote (worldwide) and in-person (Fort Collins) to serve Northern Colorado and Wyoming
90-minute recorded session. We start where you are, and travel back in time to the very beginning of the issue (past lives); clear the Energy blockages; restore Balance; and bring all of that New Energy into this body in Preset Time. This is a VERY POWERFUL session.
Enjoy a 30-minute Spirit-to-Spirit communication around the questions you are asking. You choose what you do with the information so you can make wise and healthy chooses that serve you.
Each person has an Individual HEALING session, Then we do a Couple’s Session. This is even more powerful if each person follows up with another individual session. All parts are 90-minutes
A ‘couple’ is any two people in a relationship!
2+Couple $1350
2+Couple+2 $2250
Dive deeper with a Nine or Thirteen session package which involves a complete realignment of all Cells, Glands, Organs, Hormones and Chakra’s.
Nine Session Pkg $3650
Thirteen Session Pkg $4975

HEALING Session Process
When you arrive for your Holistic HEALING session you will be asked to complete and sign an Informed Consent. Dr Nadine will briefly discuss the Energetic process you will go through and ask about the initial direction you would like to focus on. Once your session begins and the Energy is set, your SOUL actually directs the session.
Dr Nadine works with a huge ‘Team’ of Archangels, Ascended Masters, Elohim, members from the Animal Kingdom & Queendoms, and Elemental Kingdom (all Divine Beings of LIGHT) to provide information to you. Nadine is gifted in seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and channeling shifting energetic patterns within the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and realms; she sees and reads on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions.
Once the recording has begun, Dr Nadine will set the Energy with an Invocation which calls IN her ‘Team’, as well as calling forth your Guardian Angels and any other Beings of LIGHT who wish to provide information and assistance to you. ALL Beings of LIGHT are present for Your Highest Good and Greatest Joy!
Experience has shown these ‘Team’ HEALING sessions are in-depth, and offer Huge Shifts for YOU! Including bringing relationship agreements into present time; clearing out past hurts from the physical, mental and emotional bodies, thus allowing you greater freedom to experience more of YOU in your Life. Words simply are not enough to describe the Huge Shifts that happen for You, In You and In Your Life. Read what others are saying on the Testimonials section at the bottom of this page. You can also read many more here Validations-Success

Harmoniously connected to your newborn
Sacred Birth
Dr Nadine sets the Energy within the Birthing room, allowing for a Sacred Birth in a very Calm environment. Nadine communicates with, and guides the new Soul across the bridge (10th, 9th, 8th Chakras) into the body (Crown Chakra), then assists with anchoring the Soul into the Fifth Dimensional Chakra system. Throughout the Birthing Process, Nadine works harmoniously with your Birthing Team (Partner, Midwife and Doula).
Sacred Birth $2500
Compliments any tradition
Crossing Over in Joy
Dr Nadine prepares and guides Souls across the threshold with a Loving process that offers Depth, Wholeness, and Completion. As a Master Healer, her skills complement any tradition and provide Peace, Grace and Serenity for all involved. The passing of life touches many, in that light, HEALING Sessions are provided to assist family members and friends through their own process in Healing.
Crossing Over in Joy $2500

Additional Services
Mini to full on House and Land Healing Sessions for you to Explore

15-Min Mini Healing
This is a Hands-on session where Very High Energy is run through your Feet, Crown Chakra, and any specific body parts the ‘TEAM’ go to.
20-Min Tune In
Desirable between larger sessions to check into the bodies to see how you are doing.

House-Land Healing
Clear Blockages and stuck Energy from your Home and Land. Reset the Home Energy Field where You want it, in Present Time, so you can experience greater Flow, Balance, Ease and Abundance. Effortlessly and with EASE.

Business Healing
Clear stuck Energy, Pathways, and or Blockages from your Business. Reset the Business Energy Field in Present Time so you can experience greater Clientele, Abundance, Balance and Flow, Effortlessly and with EASE.
Hear From Dr Nadine’s Clients
WOW & Gratitude

Non-Judgmental – I feel very blessed
New Mexico
“The experience of a session with Nadine is so much more than passively listening to a “reading” or even being the recipient of a “healing”. Rather, it is interactive, and the client is asked to participate at the level he or she is able to play. Nadine is gifted with the ability to work in the energy field, to see the locations of problems or blockages that may cause physical and energetic manifestations, and the links between the two. She works with her team of archangels, masters, elementals, and other beings of light who may show up for the session, to address the imbalance and make changes on all levels of the individual. Nadine is non-judgmental, gentle, and loving. I feel very blessed, and in deep gratitude for having had this experience.” ~ AS, Taos, New Mexico

Transitioning – It was a Victorious ending
“I want to thank you and our Guides and Angels for the tremendous healing work you all did to help my father (John) during his recent death/transition. I am so moved by how compassionately and diligently you and they worked to encourage John back to the Light after he had led a life that was a combination of service and exploitation of others, especially of those closest to him. While we had done tremendous work to forgive him, John’s declining health and his last days were filled with ups and downs and much strife and anger, control and manipulation, rather than loving surrender. This is what led me to call you, Nadine.
I knew that he needed help making the transition, to surrender his powerful mind/ego, and to open his heart as a child, in order to leave this world in peace and ease. You worked diligently for over 24 hours, in meditation, to support him, clear negative energies, reconnect him with his God, and help him surrender. A process that could have dragged on for months, once you and the Angels were complete, my father transitioned in peace within hours, without pain medication or any medical intervention, at home in his own bed, as he had wished.
Words cannot express how much I appreciate this work and support. It makes the grieving process so much lighter, happier and joyous. It was a victorious ending. Thanks so much!! In gratitude, peace and joy” ~ Kathleen M. Lafayette, CO

Metamorphic Shifts – Altered my Life
Alberta Canada
“Words cannot easily convey my appreciation for your healing gifts. My personal session with you was hugely shifting and I have never felt so calm and quiet in my head for maybe a long time. Feels like I shed a lot of wild emotions, hopefully some menopause stuff etc. The session was amazing, metamorphic shift – indeed a miracle and altered my life!” ~ D.D. Calgary Alberta
A Gift for You
Receive a $50 gift towards a session for Yourself when you refer a Friend who books a 90 minute HEALING