Inclusive Healing Services Available
(age, size, species, situation)

Animal Holistic Healing Services Tailored to Your Needs

As a Naturopath, Licensed Minister, and Medical Intuitive, Dr Nadine uses a Holistic approach to assist each Animal so they may HEAL on all levels (emotionally, mentally, physically, and energetically) and achieve a Happier, Healthier life filled with Balance, Ease, Amusement and JOY.

Dr Nadine works with a huge ‘Team’ of Archangels, Ascended Masters, Elohim, members from the Animal Kingdom and Elemental Kingdom (all Beings of LIGHT) to provide information to you. Nadine is gifted in seeing shifting energetic patterns within the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies; she sees and reads on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions.

Dr Nadine connects to your Animal through the Pineal Gland, Bracial and Heart Chakras. She has the ability to merge Energetically with your Animal (she sees, feels, smells, tastes, etc), then uses her gifts to discover and communicate what is out of balance, where they hurt, or where they may be Energetically stuck. They work together to Shift the flow of Energy down the legs and out of the body.

Blockages and Imbalances can occur within the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual (Energy) bodies. They can be triggered from a present situation or from a past encounter. The goal is to clear Energy blocks; restore flow and balance; and reset the Energy field.

When Animals manage their Energy field, they are Calm and in Balance. They are Stable and Steady on their feet. They move in Ease and with Confidence and are Empowered to make Healthy Life Choices.

In many instances a READING (you ask questions and receive answers) leads to a comprehensive, in-depth HEALING! Dr Nadine is exceptional at communicating with you throughout all phases of her time with your Animal. Read more about all the possibilities you can explore with your beloved Animal Companion.

Your Animals deserve to be Vibrant, Happy, Healthy and Loving their Life!

Dr Nadine offers sessions that can be either remote (world wide) or house calls in Northern Colorado and Wyoming! When working remotely, Dr Nadine connects with your Animal via a photo. Please send her images of the face and both sides of the body. If you are outside of these two areas and would like a house call, contact Dr Nadine to discuss options.

HEALING options

24-hr Energy connection ~ Animals work quickly. They like to Shift, Absorb and Integrate. We are able to achieve 10-16 mini-sessions during our connection.
$150 Animal – Single Session
$675 Animal – Pkg of 5 Sessions
$1020 Animal – Pkg of 8 Sessions

Single session ~ We typically achieve 3 Energy passes during this 20-30 min connection.
$75 Animal/Session

READING options

A Reading is Spirit-to-Spirit communication. You receive information provided by your Animal. You then choose what you will do with that information so you can make healthy choices that serve you and your Animal Companion.
Single Session ~ $75 /Animal

Birth and Life Services for Animals

This is a sampling of the variety of Healing services for your Animals for optimal health and well-being.

Holistic Approach

Dr Nadine looks at the root cause of the presenting issue and takes a Holistic approach to HEALING, addressing the emotional, mental, physical, and energetic aspects. The goal is to Restore your Animal to optimal health.


Energetic blockages are cleared from all Chakras, Organs and Glands to release, repair, restore, and rejuvenate. Ouchies can be in the Tummy, Blood, Lungs, Bones, Muscles, Cells and Skin, etc.

PAST Trauma

When working with new family members or those who have had abuse, starvation, abandonment or rejection in their past, Dr Nadine clears those Energetic Blockages and assists your Animal to Fill In with Present Time Energy that allows them to Feel SAFE and begin the process to explore Trust.


To assist your Animals during procedures, Dr Nadine can set the Energy in the pre-op room, assist your Animal during surgery, and then assist with post-op so your Animals have a smoother recovery

Death and Beyond Services for Animals

Animal Transitions are AMAZING, especially when they are a Part of the Choosing process.

Transition Support

We begin by asking your beloved Animal Companion what THEY want. Do they have specific requests? Would they like to say goodbye to any friends? Would they like to pass their knowledge on to another Being? This is a very honored time for them.

Then Dr Nadine works with your Animal to collect up their Energy from each Chakra; assists them to make separations; clears any blockages along the path to the Animal Kingdom. As separations are made all of your Animals Energy is returned to them to absorb and integrate. This allows them to be whole Energetically for their next big step.

Many trips are taken up to the Bridge (Chakras 8. 9, 10). Your Animal is shown the entire pathway to the Animal Kingdom. However they are also presented with a variety of other options (ascending, going to a different dimension, going to a different planet, etc). Dr Nadine witnesses their transition Energetically and provides information to you as desired. Your beloved transitions in EASE and JOY!

Dr Nadine will be physically present with your Animal during their last hour in a body if you request. This house call area is Northern Colorado & Wyoming. Contact Dr Nadine for other travel areas.
Animal Transition $350 /Animal Book a Session Now

Grieving Process

Dr Nadine can assist you and any other Animals left on this side of the veil through the Healing process of loss and grief. Each Being will be given the opportunity to make separations and bring their Energy back into their body to absorb and integrate. Book a Session Now

Communicating Beyond the Veil

Dr Nadine can connect with Animals who have crossed the veil utilizing a photo of your cherished pet. You will receive wonderful Spirit-to-Spirit communication from your beloved friend.
Book a Session Now

Meditation Offerings

Grief can be Healed! Find peace and solace through a variety of guided Meditations to heal your heart and to keep connection to your Animal Companion. You can also have a meditation Created Just For You that weaves Your Name and Your Pet’s Name through the Energetics of the work. Read More

Hear From Dr Nadine’s Clients

Energy Healing Works

Read what Dr Nadine’s clients have to say about the positive impact of her services on their beloved Animals

No one can clear an animal like you can Nadine, that is the truth! You can clear an animal of emotional and physical trauma better than anything or anyone I’ve ever seen. You are truly amazing and a gift to all things four-legged and two-legged~ Wendy T, Northglenn, CO

a gift to all

My dog, Bowzer, and I have overcome many challenges with the help of Dr. Nadine’s insight and the tools she has given the both of us. Because of these tools I am better equipped to help my dog (and myself) stay grounded, confident, and stable during times of stress, uncertainty, or illness. I am so grateful for Dr. Nadine” – Carla W. New Mexico

I am better equipped

Just wanted to give you an update on Scooby. He has been soooooo much better since you worked with him. He hasn’t even pooped in the house. The barking is down like 80-90%. Mostly only when someone rings the doorbell/at the door, or if he sees the next-door neighbors. Hasn’t even been barking at my neighbor who always has the garage open across the street. Anxiety is significantly down. Even my son mentioned last week that ever since the pet psychic Scooby is a lot better. ????  – MA,​ Denver, Colorado

no more poop

A Gift for you

Receive a $25 gift towards an Animal session for Yourself when you refer a Friend who books a 24-hr HEALING session

Let’s Discuss Empowering Your Animals

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